Log-book :
- Log-book November 1st 2006, Slaughtered
truth, At the monastery of Saint Gerold, At the hospital, Meetings
with history
- Log-book October 1st 2006, "Celebration
of " L'Humanité ", Fighting Families, Roissy
Airport, Free at last!
- Log-book September 1st 2006, In support
of the Lebanese people, Tents causing problems, He touched the
leprous, Between the mitre and the crosier in Lourdes
- Log-book August 1st 2006, In front
of the Cameroon Embassy, Sponsorship of children from Nantes,
Never again, An unforgettable meeting
- Log-book July 1st 2006, People with
no documents at the Mosque, Another world ?, The strength of
the weak, A Pentecost meeting
- Log-book June 1st 2006, In Cameroon,
At the Senegal Consulate, The Forum and public discussion against
- Log-book May 1st 2006, The immigrants'
vote, La Rochelle , Against a disposable immigration , Thursday
of Holy Week
- Log-book April 1st 2006, In support
for the Chechen people, The hanging of a political prisoner ,
Citizen resistance , At the prison of Rennes
- Log-book March 1st 2006, Surprise visit,
Quick evacuation , Liechtenstein, Visit of TV studios
- Log-book February 1st 2006, At the
restaurant, The indecency of the " Dakar Rally", Convicted,
Occupation of a building
- Log-book January 1st 2006, In Naples,
At the Magistrate's Court, In Vienna
- Log-book December 1st 05, For liberties
in Tunisia, Abbé Pierre speaks the truth, Forging our
destiny, Celebrating at the hospital
- Log-book November 1st 05, Getting out
of nuclear power, Expulsion of a family , At the Botanical Garden,
Basques in Court
- Log-book Oktober 1st 05, Living in
substandard conditions, The annual festivities of the "
L'Humanite" Newspaper , At the Ministry of the Interior,
A Retreat for priests
- Log-book September 1st 05, Hiroshima,
Summer requests, The bus driver
- Log-book August 1st 05, At the prison
of Caen , Fighting families, Missionary celebration , Parents
of children
- Log-book July 1st 05, Getting away
from the crowd , A place for fraternity, Death of a friend ,
The theology of liberation
- Log-book June 1st 05, At the hospital
, People comming from many continents at the Pentecost, In Graz
, Welcome to France!
- Log-book May 1st 05, Fatal blaze ,
Palestinian prisoners, Child protection , Occupation of a building
- Log-book April 1st 05, A doctor on
hunger strike , The end of the winter truce, Cancelled demonstration,
Make way to the handicapped
- Log-book March 1st 05, In Rome , Saint
Vincent Day, Toulouse, The new face of Partenia
- Log-book February 1st 05, In Calais
, Christmas mass, Sebastian and Atif
- Special edition: 1995 - 2005:
10 years at the service of exclusion
- Log-book December 1st 04, Yasser Arafat's
death: may it be hope for peace? , Undesirable beyond the Rhine,
An age-old poison , Samia's combat
- Log-book November 1st 04, At the Labour
Exchange , Lisbon, Time to harvest, Sunday Mass
- Log-book October 1st 04, " Ein
Katechismus, der Freiheit atmet " , Saint Bernard Church:
Year VIII, Travel diary, Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike
- Log-book September 1st 04, Visit to
a prisoner , A wedding by the river, A meeting in presence of
Eugen Drewermann
- Log-book August 1st 04, The parishioners
of Partenia, Conflict in the city, Rejection
- Log-book July 1st 04, Paying homage
to Maurice Audin, The Pentecost of the people, European Court
for the defence of Human Rights, In the Valais area
- Log-book June 1st 04, Fighting women,
One hundred years to celebrate, A film on the Gypsies, At the
Syrian Embassy
- Log-book May 1st 04, Writers with no
frontiers, Faith at the crossroads of doubt, Being the heir of
somebody, Lent sermons
- Log-book April 1st 04, Meetings in
Bavaria, Correspondence with an atheistic woman, The Modjahedines
of Iraq, End of the winter moratorium
- Log-book March 1st 04, Working priests,
Demonstration against the ban of the veil, The will to succeed,
Freedom for Cesare Battisti
- Log-book February 1st 04, On the night
of Christmas, The love of a first born child, At City Hall, Companions
of the night
- Log-book January 1st 04, A support
to Radia Nasraoui, The placing of the first stone, Try the impossible,
The exorcist
- Log-book December 1st 03, Laicité
and religious signs, Spreading the Good News, Death and life
after death?, An undue trial
- Log-book November 1st 03, Charity Fair,
How to get back on your feet?, My friend Léon, A beautiful
meeting place
- Log-book October 1st 03, The first
will be the last, The courage to protest, The grace of old age,
Expulsion of African families
- Log-book September 1st 03, Family reunion,
An unexpected agreement, At the village market
- Log-book August 1st 03, The baptism
of Axel, Opposing Iranians, An inhuman evacuation, What door
should I knock to?
- Log-book July 1st 03, Faces met along
the way, Berlin: for another kind of world, Naples: citizens
resist, The inconveniences of a strike
- Log-book June 1st 03, A commemorative
evening in Geneva, A meeting with young people in Germany, The
struggle of the Kurds in Grenoble, Toussaint Louverture
- Log-book May 1st 03, The feast after
the struggle, Account of a young man, In the front of the town
hall of Montreuil, Conference in Vienna
- Log-book April 1st 03, Demonstration
against war, communicating is living, A risky cause, A charter
for expulsion
- Log-book March 1st 03, In front of
the City Hall, Solitude, Catechism with a taste of liberty
- Log-book February 1st 03, Rana's wedding,
GMO = danger, What is Christmas for the illegal refugees?, Support
to the Roms, Partenia: a window on the planet
- Log-book January 1st 03, Agaist war
in Iraq, Questions from the youth, Support to a cyberdissident,
Expelled from Choisy-le-Roi
- Log-book December 1st 02, About Church
and churches, At the Mosque of Paris, Malian families expelled,
José Bové is sentenced
- Log-book November 1st 02, The solitude
of the dying, Father Abbot Grégoire, The prayer of the
- Log-book October 1st 02, No to extradition,
The Humanity festival, In the Nederlands, A new book
- Log-book September 1st 02, In Niger,
Cries of plain, During the flight
- Log-book August 1st 02, A woman of
courage, Young Africans demonstrate their faith, A Partenia meeting
in Zurich
- Log-book July 1st 02, An inspiring
gesture, Tunisia: only the dead have the right to listen to the
opposition, The City of Science and Industry under occupation
- Log-book June 1st 02, Joy along the
way, In the Plants Garden, When life topples over, Living in
- Log-book May 1st 02, Illegal Refugees
Invite Themselves to an Electoral Campaign, Partenia Meeting
in Brussels, Illegal Refugees on the March, Blood Donations,
Meeting of Support
- Log-book April 1st 02, Pius XII and
the Shoah, A trial in Pau, An Ecumenical meeting in Geneva
- Log-book March 1st 02, Two Tibetan
nuns on campaign, Expulsion of families, We loved you Juan, Women
in black
- Log-book February 1st 02, An evening
in the suburb:, Farewell to Maria, Non-Violence:
- Log-book January 1st 02, Vietnamese
students, A televised report on the double sentence., Laicism
and the great religions, Peace is possible
- Log-book December 1st 01, With some
journalists, Witness and Beauty, The Court of Assizes, An every
day Ecumenism
- Log-book November 1st 01, A meeting
for peace, The Institute of the Arab world, In Joliette (Quebec),
Some daily scraps, 17 of October 1961
- Log-book October 1st 01, Interview
of Abbé Pierre, Tow persons lost, (Herbert Haag and Cornelius
Koch), Living together, Where is God?
- Log-book September 1st 01, His name
is Julien, Ten years after, Violence in Genoa, Unexpected meetings,
In Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Log-book August 1st 01, The welcome
of a couple, A meeting with abbé Pierre, The eviction
of families, The return of Georges Vimard
- Log-book July 1st 01, In the market
place, Acts of solidarity, On the black list, A helpful experience.
A pilgrimage to Saint Jacques of Compostelle
- Log-book June 1st 01, In Byelorussia,
Bob Marley, At the "Mie de pain" Center, In Quebec
- Log-book May 1st 01, The Basque country,
A call for help, To speak, Success, In Bavaria
- Log-book April 1st 01, Families invade
a lodging, Communicating is living!, Kurds are eager to get dignity
and freedom, Gypsies received at the Parliament
- Log-book March 1st 01, The Diary of
Father Congar, The orchard of Spain, A secular spirituality,
In the Court
- Log-book February 1st 01, Epiphany,
Farewell Jean-Pol, Families expulsed from their lodging, When
will spring arrive in Iran?, Turkish demostration
- Log-book January 1st 01, With the freemasons,
The Adda'Wa mosque in Paris, Turbulence, A demonstration in front
of the Santé jail in Paris, An evening discussion with
- Log-book December 00, Dialogue about
life and death, Theodore Monod, Waving a working permit to an
immigrant, Lummumba
- Log-book November 00, Racial riots
in El Ejido, In Austria, In Rome, A solidarity chain
- Log-book October 00, An organization
against expulsion, At Lourdes, First Letter to the Corinthians,
- Log-book September 00, Souvenirs from
Recife, Montguyon Festival...
- Log-book August 00, A new World is
comming, In Rome
- Log-book July 00, Back to Evreux, The
mystery of Paul...
- Log-book June 00, Face to face with
the young, An Inter-religions meeting in Lyon...
- Log-book May 00, The Prison of "La
Santé", A crime of solidarity...
- Log-book April 00, In Austria, In Digne...
- Log-book
March 00, To be a parent today, Unusual Liturgy...
- Log-book February 00, Walking when
innovating, Basic Ecumenism...
- Log-book January 00, Business meal,
Gypsy children...
- Log-book December 99, Facts of Life,
Sowing the seed...
- Log-book November 99, Ordinations,
At the Court...
- Log-book October 99, The march of people
without legal permits..., The adventure...
- Log-book September 99, The Dialogue
of the Carmelites, Television in Berlin...
- Log-book August 99, A right of lodging,
The crime of solidarity...
- Log-book July 99, In the country of
Catarrhs, Save Aspe valley
- Log-book June 99, Life happenings,
- Log-book May 99, Marseilles: Families
expelled, Strasbourg: A walk for peace...
- Log-book April 99, Homeless are squatting
in an hotel, At the FNAC shop of Dijon...
- Log-book March 99, Palestinian woman,
At the Trade Union Center...
- Log-book February 99, 4 candles in
- Log-book January 99, To have a roof,
Bruno dies