Letter of September 1 st 2002 from Jacques Gaillot
Let's not forget Chechnya





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Let's not forget Chechnya
peuple Tchétchéne  The turmoil of the people in Chechnya still continues. Since almost three years, they are submitted to acts of violence from the Russian army that is fighting the separatist movement.  
These people have already suffered the humiliation and the deportation during the Stalin period. Today 80,000 Russian soldiers are trying to break them down and destroy their spirit but in vain. Each week, the Chechen separatists kill some Russian soldiers. Humanitarian non-government organizations are denouncing the barbaric actions of the Russian army: tortures, brutalities, ethnic "cleanings", rapes, and atrocities of all kind.

Until now the French government was courageously opposed to the war in Chechnya. But today President Chirac is rejoining President Poutin's position in fighting terrorism. The military operations are a fight against the Chechen terrorists. Hence, there can be no more criticisms against the war conducted by Russia!

This alliance makes me ashamed. How can France a country of human rights support such a scandalous war? How can France justify the Russian army violent acts done in the name of a fight against terrorism? 

à Grozny 

We should not forget the heroic resistance of the Chechen people.