Letter of March 1st 2000 from Jacques Gaillot

To be credible

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To be credible

The coming of the extreme right in the Austrian government has developed astonishment and concern. The European Union considered that its democratic values were under attack. Some political sanctions were immediately applied against Austria, so the United States did the same. These interventions are legitimate. How not to be afraid of a political party whose chief dares to refer to the Nazis?
But till now, the European Union does not say and does not do any thing for the people of Chechnya, which are allowed to be slaughtered by the Russian Army. The Capital Grozny is annihilated. Thousands of Chechnya people are in detention camps. Women, aged persons, children are in worst conditions. Hundred of thousands had to flee their country. Humanitarian organizations are not allowed to help and to care for the people. The European Union although castigating Austria does not make a move for Chechnya. Why such a different treatment?
Not a long time ago, EU and USA, under the cover of NATO, launched a military action in Kosovo against the Serb forces. Nicely unanimous they referred to the right of interference. Humanitarian emergency legitimated the military action, with some thing special here because previously the right of interference was always in only one direction: the interference of the wealthy and the powerful against the weak and the poor.
But in the mean time, EU and USA shut their eyes on the slaughtering of the Congolese people. The African drama was forgotten. Why act for one thing and not for the other? Have human rights a variable geometry?
We still remember the Golf war. Western world launched a crusade against Iraq to save invaded Kuwait. The international law was flouted; UNO resolutions had to be applied. A powerful country had annexed a small country.
But here again, although our countries are so concerned by the international law, nothing has been done to enforce the UNO resolutions on exiled Palestinians. They did not care to solve the Palestinian problem.
Why is it like that? Simply because the national interests are not the same. Under the cover of the law, they are financial, business and political stakes.
In practice, this policy of "two weights, two measures" makes our governments not any more credible for the public opinion. Their speeches enveloped with the defense of human rights sound empty. To be credible is to be true in any situation. To say what we want to do and to do what we say.








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