Open Bible:
October 2005 

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Keeping our light on



The Bible





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Keeping our light on
(Mathew 25, 1-13)

Jesus said: "To aim to the Kingdom of God is like ten young girls invited to a wedding, they took their lamps to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were careless and the five others were wise" The careless girls did not take a provision of oil contrarily to the wise ones.
lampe allumée Only the wise ones having still their light on could enter into the wedding room. 

It is surprising that the young girls were not so interested by this coming event. There was nobody to tell them" Be careful, the bridegroom might be late. It could be a long night, take with you a good reserve of oil "
They were left to their own initiative, their own responsibility. They had no instructions. Nothing was said to them. They had to rely on themselves to decide what to do.

The Kingdom of God is like that. Jesus allows us to be free. He opens a way with no beacon. Only we can take the initiatives for practical matters, in our own way, without knowing what will happen. We are responsible of the orientation of our life. The Gospel is not a list of things to do. New and specific choices have to be made, every day. 

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What is the meaning of "keeping one's light on"? It is to have always love in our heart to love the others. "Who loves his brother walk in the light" said St John.
Who loves is like a man on watch for dawn. He learns to stay awake in the night.