Open Bible:
December 2004 

la bilbe 

«Why does your master eat with the sinners?»




The Bible

Special Edition





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«Why does your master eat with the sinners?»
(Mathew 9, 11)

If we want to think thoroughly about the Eucharist, above all, we perceive how we are, believers or non-believers, made to help each other, to share with each other, how we are called for a communion. As a basic food, the bread is broken to be shared. All the different kinds of human skills begin to make sense when they are shared.

rite eucharistique 

The Eucharist banquet is a preview of the festivities in Heaven to which, all of us, good or bad, we are asked to attend (Mat. 22). It is not a question of being fit or not for this invitation, but of answering positively with confidence. Truly Mathew requests from the guests of the king to be dressed adequately, when Luke, chap. 16, speaking of the same invitation, does not mention that at all. Mathew's request could also be a moral disposition: the necessary confidence required to plainly participate to the festivities of the Kingdom.
There is no filter, no reason to ask ourselves if we are worthy or not to accept the invitation of the master. Jesus never took notice of the moral qualities of the persons to whom he was speaking,

manger avec les pécheurs 

«He eats with the sinners» as it is said. 
Probably the only thing is to accept willingly the invitation, our own hierarchical classifications do not count in regard to the feeling to be in agreement, not because we are better, but because we feel, at the bottom of our heart, that we depend of the creating love of God.
Beyond our limits and our weaknesses, it is the entire benevolence of God's invitation that matters. This call for communion felt by all humans is in reality a vital sense of solidarity and love given by God to every body.
During the Last Supper with his disciples, Jesus broke and gave first the bread, as a way to express that his life is offered, broken like the bread, in union with all. As if the sign of shared bread was not enough, at the end of the meal, as a last message, Jesus took a cup of wine and gave it to them as a sign of Alliance between God and us. We are of the same blood; it is the life of God Himself that gives life to us.
participer Consequently, to participate to the formation of a world of solidarity, of justice and of love is not only a human work but in the mean time it is the work of God in us and through us. The ultimate message of Jesus at the Last Supper is a call for unity in order to build fraternity where we are. « Do this in memory of me" that is to say, » bring sharing and peace, you are a carrier of the presence of God". 

A community that generates communion is aware of and celebrates the presence of Jesus, both Christ and son of man. It does it everywhere there is dialogue, solidarity and fraternity. Then spontaneously we say, together, only these two words: «Our Father».