Log-book, February 1998

The Revolt of the Unemployed Christmas Mass with the Homeless

Some Families in the Street After the Case in Madrid

Spiritual Times

Bibliography Archives

Partenia: some figures





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The Revolt of the Unemployed


For the first time in France, the unemployed organise and break the wall of silence. They make their cry of despair heard. It is an important event, a chance for society.

I am happy to participate in their Parisian demonstration. The crowd takes up the slogans: "He who sows misery, reaps anger", "We declare war on Misery", "We do not want crumbs".

When the unemployed stand up, speak out, challenge those responsible, the people in power worry and are obligated to act. As long as the unemployed remain isolated and obedient, the powers that be have nothing to fear. Passivity does not appear as a threat.

But the day has come when the excluded refuse the fatality of misery. To exist, they act. They break their silence. Their anger makes them stand up. I dream about the sans-papier (illegal immigrants) who managed to make the government act and mobilised opinion. I find the same determination and pride in the struggle among the unemployed, even if they still are not numerous. Those who had the courage to come out of their homes, want to take control of their future. Perhaps the others, in their turn, will dare to follow the way.

The demonstration arrives in front of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The unemployed, visibly tired and emaciated, speak out. Their anger is beautiful, with an emphasis on truth which touches me. They do not want to survive, but to LIVE. The cry out for dignity. They need to be recognised.

In a country which is growing wealthy, ever larger inequalities become intolerable. We are in a society which makes profits but which does not know how to share. That is exactly the drama. Do those who are politically responsible and the employers hear the cry of the unemployed? Meanwhile, I am happy to learn that two of three Frenchman/Frenchwoman find the action of the unemployed movement justified.




Write to Partenia: jgaillot@partenia.org






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Christmas Mass with the Homeless


The location is sparse and poor, but those who came give it a strange beauty. Muslims and non-believers arrived in the manner of the shepherds of Bethlehem. I love to celebrate Christmas in the simplicity if these places. The word goes around to tell what event survives: the celebration of the dignity of man since God becomes one of us. The evening continues on with couscous.












Write to Partenia: jgaillot@partenia.org






A year ago

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Some Famiies in the Street


For 3 months some families have been sleeping under a tent in the street to put pressure on the Paris City Hall and to obtain decent housing instead of the big slum that has been allocated to them for several years. One morning, a woman left the tent to go to the hospital to give birth to her on: MANASSA. It was Christmas Day. They have not yet returned to the "home". The father, a Senegalese, tells me: I hope that my child MANASSA will never come to live here! But I know everything has an end.

And God never abandons us.










Write to Partenia: jgaillot@partenia.org






A year ago

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After the Case in Madrid


I have learned that the 23 directors of Henri Batasuna have been sentenced to 7 years in prison. From Spain to the Basque region, I was asked about my reactions. I am amazed by the heavy sanction which indicates a desire to intensify the repression of the ETA, with re-enforcement by international co-operation and demands for extradition. The future seems unpromising to me. This policy of repression can only re-launch the terrorist actions by the ETA. Why could not the case have been seized upon to try to engage in negotiations? They could have put an end to these horrible attacks which arouse general indignation.










Write to Partenia: jgaillot@partenia.org







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Spiritual Times


One week away with 50 priests. A time, powerful with the rhythm of the tides and with the light of the superb Breton countryside.

I marvel at the faithfulness of these Brother Priests who know the ardour of the Word. They have given everything for the cause of Jesus and the Gospel. Their humanity and their faith stimulate me. I rejoice in thinking of all those who benefit from their ministry.

Jacques Gaillot












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PS: Partenia some figures, 1997


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Number of e-mail messages received by Bishop Jacques Gaillot: 2'300

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