Log-book: April 2004

  Meetings in Bavaria Correspondence with an atheistic woman
  The Modjahedines of Iraq  End of the winter moratorium
  French Bibliography  Archives of Partenia 




The Bible

Special Edition

Meetings in Bavaria

rencontre On the outskirts of Munich where I had been asked to make a speech, I received a warm welcome. After my speech, I was filled with admiration by two questions raised by the audience. A woman asked me: "How is it possible to be poor? Due to my education and my position, I realize that I cannot be poor". 

It is true that one is rich by one's culture, one's relationships, the possibility one has to travel around the world, the capacity one has to express oneself…It is not possible to loose such precious acquisitions. But if the rich cannot stop from being rich at least he can on the side of the poor. He can make partnerships with the poor and break away from those who are their enemies.

A young woman said: "When you were obliged to leave Évreux in 1995, I left the Church. I could not take that injustice. Today I wonder what to do because you have not left the Church nor are you fighting against it".

During a celebration, the Thabor Community of Munich gave a moving testimony. A youth who had once been on drugs spoke to the audience: "I was lucky, when I needed it most, somebody offered me a helping hand. "An ex alcoholic who had been in prison said: "If I am cured, it is because of the help of the community. I was not alone. " 







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Correspondence with an atheistic woman
A woman that I don't know has for many years been writing me letters telling about all the bad she feels against the Catholic Church., specially against the Pope. In my answers to her, I was careful not to fall into criticism. Knowing her rebellious nature and her sense of justice, I opted to tell her about my actions. This woman gradually started to talk about herself. In this way, I learned that she is a Jew and that she has suffered of the war of 1940-45 during which she and her two sons continuously had to be in hiding. She is very old today but she is still militant not supporting either injustice nor the scourge of religions.
"First communion and confirmation were to me like a theatre play in which I was playing a role not having any religious feelings; I could not accept what the priests and sisters of Zion were trying to say to us and I was alarmed to see some of my companions praying with conviction. Faith is like lying a heavy burden down and once freed from it being able to go on living; as for myself, I do not believe in anything without feeling any concern"
Now suffering from a systemic cancer, my correspondent knows that she has very little time to live.

nature rebelle "My imminent death does not change anything for me. I am always trying to learn more as if I will be part of the future." 

"I have asked that you be notified of my death. Please no prayers. That would be an insult to me. No mourning! "
"You are often in my thoughts. "



The Modjahedines of Iraq

An international meeting of jurists was held in Paris in the presence of Danielle Mitterand and many personalities. A message from "Abbé Pierre" was read.

Modjahedines It was concerning the fate of 18,000 Modjahedines who have been staying in Iraq for the last 18 years to fight against the dictatorship of the mullahs. 

The Iraqi population without any difficulty welcomed them. Their presence has never caused any problem. They are gathered today at the Achraf base in the northwest of Baghdad and they are worried about what will happen to them. The highest authorities of the Iraqi Regime have in effect asked for their extradition. But it all depends on what the United States want.

It is a crucial and critical moment for the future of the Modjahedines who have already suffered very much. 

quel avenir

If they are sent back to Iran, they will be put in prison, tortured and even sentenced to death. It would be a crime against humanity. That is why so many people from many countries protest in order to organize their defence.

Whilst listening to these eminent jurists, it seems to me very clear that the Modjahedines have the international law in their favour. They benefit from the 4th Agreement of Geneva. Sending them back to Iran would contravene any judicial norm.

The trouble is that the law is not always applied. It is substituted by political logics. Can political logics replace the law? If this were the case, then the Modjahedines could stay in Iraq. It would be a victory for the law and a service rendered to humanity.




End of the winter moratorium

As of March 15th, the fateful day marking the end of the winter moratorium, hundreds of families will be brutally expelled. Where to go? Temporarily in a private hotel, in the home of nearest relatives or a temporary housing.
That is why every year, a gathering takes place at the Square de la République in Paris. This year, the sun was shining but hardly any one was there. It is for me an opportunity to meet many militants with their families. This is always for me a joyful reunion. After an hour's wait, the march set off to go to the Châtelet Square. 


relogement Militants were calling out repeatedly: "a roof is a right". "No expulsion without rehousing". 
When families live in one room of a private hotel, there is no kitchen and it is very expensive. Renting would be less expensive. But the families cannot offer sufficient guarantees to the landlords. They are without a permanent address, which complicates the registration of children to school and obtaining social welfare.
In the Parisian area, the number of expulsions has been increasing because too many families are unable to pay excessive rents. Who are they? Immigrants, young people, students, handicapped persons, families with many children, isolated parents…
Being expulsed in our days means urban itinerancy from homes to private hotels, to temporary housing. It is the break-up of families.
Where does this increase in expulsions come from? Property speculation, uncontrolled increase in rents, shortfall in social housing and the instability of renters. Those who are responsible of this situation are the political authorities and in particular the government.