Open Bible:
March 2003 

la bilbe 

A picnic




The Bible

Special Edition





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A picnic

Story of the multiplication of the loaves: Mathew: 14, 13-21,
Mark: 6, 30-44 Luke: 9, 10-17, John: 6, 1-13.

mulitiplication des pains When Jesus feeds people, he does it plentifully; the account of the multiplication of loaves is a good example of it. The four Evangelists with some variations report the event; it has impressed the disciples of Jesus and indeed all who benefited of this generous manna. 

Mark and Luke placed the event after the return of the Apostles from their first mission in the villages of Galilee. They are happy but rather tired. Then Jesus said to them "come apart into a desert place, and rest a while" The Apostles and Jesus crossed over the Sea of Galilee and went to an inhabited but pleasant place: the grass was fresh, it was spring time close to Easter according to John (6, 4 and 10). Everything was fine for a resting time.

But the crowd had guessed where the small group was going, walking around the lake, they arrived before the holyday-makers, so that Jesus had to face thousands of people "who were as sheep not having a shepherd "To not deceive the Apostles, the Master could have said, let us stay alone for a rest, but no, his heart spoke first "moved with compassion, he welcome them and he began to teach them of the Kingdom of God and healed them that had need of healing "Luke 9,11. Why ask more? The crowd was happy but hungry! Jesus did not forget that, him who cares for the body as much as for the soul. The disciples in the contrary looked sour, because the nice rest has gone, they insisted: "send them away, the day is spent, let them go in the nearest villages and buy themselves some thing to eat" Jesus' answer was a surprise: "Give you them to eat "

manger pour tout le monde "We have no more but five loaves and two fishes…except we should go and buy food for all these people " Luke 9,13. 
One can imagine their confused and even annoyed expression. John noted that these fishes and loaves were coming from the basket of a child; an unexpected gift from somebody who is not considered important by the society of his time "without counting women and children" was saying Mathew.

Jesus wanted to reassure his disciples by taking himself the direction of the operations, for once he was giving orders:" make them sit down by fifties in a company " He was acting like somebody "who himself knew what he would do" said John (6.6). The disciples obeyed. They took the loaves and the fishes that Jesus gave to them after having said the blessing. Surprise, this food did not run out during the distribution. Probably also, the loaves and the fishes brought by the others finally came out from the pockets or the back sacs and were shared. Result: everybody ate their fill and twelve baskets were left and stored.

Finally did the change of program improvised by Jesus in considering the situation have really harmed the rest of the disciples? They had the opportunity to experiment a new dimension of happiness they will remember all along their preach of the Gospel. Sharing with thousands of others, invitation to a rest and a meal, are regenerating things even at the cost of a service to a crowd. This does not remove anything to the happiness of each one; on the contrary the joy is multiplied by the number of guests.
With no doubt a prophetic view of heaven were the sharing is complete without privileged persons separated from the others.  partager sans privilégiés

In fact, Jesus was placing his disciples on the way of an evangelic practice that he was the first to assume and it will be the criteria to enter the Kingdom of God " I was hungry and you gave me some thing to eat" (Mathew 25, 35)