The E-catechism

Death penalty To behave truly as a human being


Six months ago, we launched the Electronic Catechism. We introduced texts which we thought were provisional, in view of bettering them with your co-operation, thanks to your contributions. Many have written to tell us how much they appreciate our work, but few (not enough) have made positive contributions. We are grateful that two presentations have called such commentaries. We met in July and looked at your mail. We thought the project over and we have redone the two following texts. You have them today. We thank you in advance for suggestions and criticisms. They are essential for this catechism to become our common share. And do not hesitate to suggest topics.



Jacques Gaillot

The conveyor of the Catechism team:

Jean-Pierre Bagot


Death penalty




A year ago

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Forty five people were put to death in 1996 in America. That same year three men at a time were executed in the Arkansas, meeting with the indifference of world opinion. Some find justification for the death penalty arguing that the victims must have their revenge. The flaring of insecurity in towns demands that the 3lex talionis2 be applied. But to have to give in to death penalty shows people's fears.

The respect due to victims does not require to make other victims, asking for the same fate which encloses everybody in the circle of violence. When life is taken away with so little thinking nowadays, it is adamant to stress the price of any human life.

This is why a growing number of countries have one after the other, abolished the death penalty, wanting to get away from the idolatry of revenge and to show that a society of men and women is able not to take vengeance. To assess the basic right to life. To keep hope which is within any human heart. Someone is always greater than his/her crime.

Jesus'disciples, as far as they are concerned, have to put into practice the words which are found in the Bible " thou shall not kill ". God is the God of the living. If God brings Jesus back to life through his resurrection, this is precisely to show that he is against any taking of life and any revenge. He leaves to any living being, the door open onto the future.






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To behave truly as a human being




A year ago

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Who has not pondered one day on that question ? All that I do is not necessarily worthy of a human being. How often do people react according to instincts, out of fear, sometimes the pressure of the environment...or influenced by adverts. Am I then my real self ? Where is my ability to make a personal choice and commit my responsibility ?

My deep wish is to be myself as a person, to behave as a person responsible. It does not mean that I get isolated in a kind of self reliance. I become myself with and through others. Basically, I am a being related to others.

For a relationship to be true, fulfilling, life giving I have to live as a person true to him/herself and so, others can become their real selves, different from me and true people. In meetings, conflicts, decisions, one does not have to jump on the bandwagon. Everyone has a special contribution to make and this is important.

To be responsible requires to act out of a personal choice for reasons I own. One is responsible first of all to one self ; one has to respond to him/herself for his/her own choices in life. Then we can be responsible to others and to God. I do this or that not because " I must ", but because having considered everything, I decide to do what seems most suitable for a human being.

At the end, the choice stays with me. Coming from a free decision which is responsible, my actions take on their human poise.



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A year ago

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