The E-catechism

After listening to you for one year
a new project for "Partenia Diocese":
The E-catechism
The Cross

After listening to you for one year
a new project for "Partenia Diocese":
The E-catechism

On January 13th, the Partenia Homepage blew out its first candle: one year of trials and discoveries, waiting for your response in the E-mail postbox. In this newly discovered country, a kind of community has come to life and is growing.

During the first year I received thousands of letters. They raised questions concerning yourselves, and they often show how very painful they can be for you: exclusion, sexual ethics, loneliness; some questions are linked to society and its problems: wars, violence, environment; there were also religious questions coming from people of different walks of life: how can one believe in something?

Why divisions? As a catholic bishop, I am supposed to give answers, but people expect something else than a catechism learned by rote.
What can I do with my limited means, scarcity of time, and lack of technical knowledge?

Little by little I gathered a team, and together we looked at your mail. We answered your messages (not always), sometimes with some delay, the best we could. Sometimes we felt helpless: to answer a letter properly we would have needed pages, or even a book ... But there are already so many books available. The web being a new means of communication, we have to discover what suits it.
We suggest: together, let us write the E-catechism.

Catechism: often the word is off-putting to many Christians. We have known these penny catechisms in which someone who is in charge asks questions which are not ours, in order to give us the right answers. It is for fear of being brain-washed that many Catholics have ceased to consider themselves Catholics. An they do not want it for their children.

But at the same time, there is an expectation: people ask what the Churches think. What is expected is not dogma but meaning: meaning for men and women of today, which fits their experience; a meaning which makes life different with a sense of trust and not despair. A meaning which gives another vantage point of view on the world, on others, and ... on God. (Christians use this word which may be at the root of the question).
The "Electronic catechism" enables us to introduce a catechism from a different stand: the E-catechism.

We are a team of men and women from different backgrounds. Every month, under &laqno;E-catechism» with the motto: "We talk openly with each other", we will launch a reflection on a topic you suggested, starting from a key-word. We will start with:

· to be a Christian today?
· to be excluded, a human problem. God's problem?

Please, send your answers on these topics, taking into account your life experience, your human network (religious or otherwise). Comment on the meaning we suggest, whether it makes sense or is nonsense.

We shall colleot your answers, and this will allow us to rewrite the topic with your reactions, whether they are positive or negative. In any case, talking "face to face" will no doubt widen the scope.

You may ask people around you whom you know and who have a special expertise. This is the beginning of a real exchange between people and will benefit mutual understanding.

This is obviously a long-term task, even a never-ending one. This is the major reason to start here and now.
Let us turn towards the future.

Jacques Gaillot

The conveyor of the Catechism team:

Jean-Pierre Bagot

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The Cross




A year ago

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We each bear our own cross. One's cross cannot be swapped with someone else's. Very often, one does not chose his/her cross. It is given. When someone tells about his/her private life, you soon become aware that some men and women can carry heavy crosses. There is no norm for crosses.

Crosses can also be the consequences of one's choice in life carried to the end. These crosses do not come from outside.

Before being the sign of a Christian, the cross was part of many cultures all over the world ; human beings are called to stand straight between earth and heaven, arms outstretched. His/her feet are on the soil which gave birth to him/her and to which he/she will return. But he/she stands up because he/she is lifted up by God's breath, called to be open to other horizons. This is human being's dignity, a being in its fullness.

It is no surprise that those who live their lives shrivelled up are in awe of a person living with dignity "in the shape of a cross".

Jesus lived "in the shape of a cross". He was nailed to it. He descended to the core of evil and hate to allow love to be there. Suffering does not save, only love. He loved to the bitter end.

Jesus entered darkness and death to show that there is a way. A way towards life. A way towards love. With the cross of Jesus, there is always a way, for love is the winner.

To make the sign of the cross : O.K. But is the cross a sign?


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