The E-catechism: May 1999

Meeting the agnostic and atheistic world

The mystery of evil







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Each month the team working on this catechism presents you with two texts, and we hope that with your help and cooperation they will improve. Any suggestions you may have would be most welcome, as would ideas on subject matter.

We look forward to hearing from you.



In our countries we fortunately experience more and more the mixing of cultures and races. As Christians we have the occasion to come close to and to know agnostics and atheists. We discover the wealth of humanity of those who come from another philosophy of the existence and have the same interest in human and solidarity values. Meeting those who say it is impossible to know whether there is a God (agnostics) or those who believe that there is no God (atheists) is a challenge for our faith, a useful and fruitful challenge even though it can be sometime perturbing. First they make us realize that we are not by far the only ones who care for mutual aid and solidarity and that we can join together in the great struggle towards Justice and Peace.

In these meetings we have to accept to be vulnerable. Otherwise how can we be opened to the other who is different from us and who is searching a meaning of his own? His questionings can be disturbing, it is necessary for a genuine dialogue. These contacts and collaborations often lead us to figure out in our Christian faith what is essential and worth living among many secondary features which have been gradually accumulated during centuries of Christianity.

Then successful exchanges can take place and Christians as well agnostics or atheists, can better apprehend their own philosophy of existence with full respect for each other and mutual understanding. Diverse ways of life but with the same search for what is essential. Beyond the old separations which have been paved with many common misunderstanding, reconciliation's are establishing in confidence.

The occasion is thus given to us to go over so many mishearing and misunderstanding.
From setting up our faith in contact with people moved by another philosophy of existence, a new freedom comes out from us which give us a greater ability to meet the great challenges of our time.







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Why do men and women suffer? What is the origin, what is the meaning of human pain? That is a question for every man and woman when it happens to them and when they contemplate so many inequalities, exclusions and miseries. The question is not always expressed but it is at the origin of the attitudes towards suffering: revolt or resignation, escape or compliance more or less spontaneously. Let us try to see the many different ways to deal with the question of evil. Two main points:

  • On one hand suffering is only a part of evil. They are miseries that we don't feel immediately harmful but are evil. Think about wars, State governments or social structures set for oppressing the people.
  • On the other hand, any consideration about evil cannot explain all the reality of evil. We are never strong enough to face the surge of evil. No more than the others, Christians have the solution. They inquire, they fight with the others against evil and its effects.

We are all concerned by evil, not only intellectually but existentially, that is in the most concrete and explicit aspects of our lives, and because of the complexity of evil, Christians can only utter a few words about it. First they contemplate Jesus-Christ's life: how he was involved with evil, violence, failure, suffering. The day before he died, he was given up by all. Not only he did not get away with evil but instead he wanted to carry all the suffering of humanity, and in a privileged way, the way of a persecuted innocent, fragile, lowest among the lowest, who suffers specially from injustice, exclusion. Moreover, even if it is not easy to understand, Christians do not put evil in God. For a Christian, suffering and evil have no part in the world of God. He does not say: "God has wanted evil..." otherwise he will make God a perverse God, a God who does not make man an ally. The God of Jesus and of the Christians is a God continuously looking for mankind to tell to every one of us: " In my yes you mean a lot....."

Then where is evil? Christians refuse to put evil at the heart of a human being (as an intrinsic part of him). Nobody invents evil, we inherit of it. Let us affirm that human beings, who are created for freedom, carry a wound which is related not only to his finite nature but to the fact that in a certain way they refuse life and voluntarily turn away from God.








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