The E-catechism: November 1999

The spiritual life

God is relationship







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Each month the team working on this catechism presents you with two texts, and we hope that with your help and cooperation they will improve. Any suggestions you may have would be most welcome, as would ideas on subject matter.
We look forward to hearing from you.

The spiritual life

One characteristic feature of spiritual life during the last half of the twentieth century is to keep distance from religions. For many, spiritual life has become independent of religious practice which is understood as the practice of worship, rites, sacraments performed by a religious community. We all know people who keep going, searching for a meaning to their life, who are not confined to themselves, who can relate to others and who do not need to address to official members of a Church or a religion to be advised.

At some occasion we say that people of our time are superficial, materialist , that they surf on real problems..., but we speak too lightly and we are unfair with our time. One only has to listen to interviews of young people and specially to the words of the songs...

We like to meet people that we will call "wise" persons who have some experience in life. They are involved in the same matters as us but they are more advanced than we are and they can communicate to us some of their knowledge. For instance when suddenly a person dies and we mourn his death, we like to speak to those who have had the same ordeal, they can tell us how much they understand our suffering and how they have managed to stop dwelling on the death of that the person.

Spiritual life is a link between people. We cannot anymore look superficially at the others when we have shared with them some of our humanity. It is like that we find ourselves attending a demonstration to defend the rights of foreigners without legal permit, struggling against exclusion or accompanying a family in an ordeal, or commemorating a special event. After this experience, it is not the same as before. We become partners, somewhat belonging to the same family. We really feel that we are not alone. Many people in our days commit themselves according to a spiritual value. Whoever we are, believers, agnostics or atheists, this spiritual value has some thing to do with our life. It is mostly at the level of a desire, it allows us to be what we are, to go deeper in ourselves and to find the words which express our intimate thinking. In doing this, we feel a communion between what is essential in our different traditions, that history and fights for power between institutions have prevented to see. Consequently, a Christian will think about Jesus, to what he has brought to our humanity. Jesus of Nazareth, in deed was paying attention to every human being, living a privileged friendship for those who are excluded. Peter and James understood that well, when they met a paralytic at the pool of the Temple they told him: "We have no money but in the name of Jesus, stand up and walk"








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God is relationship

Jesus reveals in the Gospel that he is sent by the Father and that he is always in relation with him and in agreement with him. He speaks also about the Holy Spirit that he is going to send: the Holy Spirit will make understand all he said and he will stay with us after his departure. It is a very new and astonishing revelation that the prophets of the old Testament had never consider. The God of the Christians is a complex god, both one and three-persons, the Trinity God named Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is not a solitary person, but by sending the Son then the Holy Spirit, he opens more his heart to us. God and humanity are linked together: in coming to stay with us, as one of us, the Son leads us into the very intimacy of God, who, far from being a close world, is a mobile environment where each one is sent to the other and lives only for the others and through the others. One single being cannot exist. We often think that the persons would exist first, then they would eventually communicate between themselves. It is wrong, nobody can exist prior a relationship. Relationship makes not only a human being but apparently also the entity of God. God is relation or he is not. It is the Holy Spirit who represents this relationship and who makes it so heartily, so caring for the other. It is why it is compared with a relationship between a father, tender and loving like a mother and his son.

In the "credo" it is said that the Son is begotten of the Father. It is true but it is not a vertical, hierarchical, one sided relationship, but a reciprocal relationship because the Father is a father because of his Son. We become parents only because we have children. We get our identity because of the other.

The Holy Spirit "proceeds" from the Father and the Son; without them he does not exist. But he allows them to develop and evolved their identity by "triangulation" and widening; he expresses himself as wind and fire on Pentecost day. He is a place where air can circulate, avoiding either a fusion between persons, one including the other, or the separation between them because of a search for independence. He maintains the right distance allowing the building of original and differentiated identities. He is that cozy place where confidence flourishes with reciprocal caring, without capture, nor domination nor submission. He is a love relationship between the Father and the Son, without fusion nor separation nor hierarchy. Without him they will not be what they are. Then they also depend on him. It is because of the interdependence between the persons of the Trinity, that they are said equal and of the same nature. They are entities of relationship which make them three persons, The Trinity is communion, it combines in itself unity and plurality, separation and equality, difference and similarity.

This love of three persons overflows freely on every one of us, because we have become son and daughter of God thanks to the agreement of the Son to the project of the Father. Now we are also sent to the others, the Spirit makes us able to leave room to the other without becoming useless neither without losing our identity, we are able to let the other to stay who he is, without overcoming him or going into a conflict. The Spirit holds our ability to love each others like Jesus, the Son, has loved us








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