The E-catechism: May 2001

  A new step
Open Bible
Epiphany, a manifestation of God 





Special Edition





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    A new step

    Three years ago a team started to make a "different catechism ". The goal was to think about questions concerning our life and opening to a spiritual meaning.
    The initial purpose was to bring Jesus in our present situations. Did it not happen to those, men and women, who followed Him?
    We met every month, checking our work with each other's appreciation. Thanks to this exchange and cross-examination we have improved and enriched our text. Gradually we found a right pace and we can say that all of us are marked by this experience.
    Many told us that they benefited greatly of the text and they used it. We did hope to be more interactive but this rarely happened.
    Today we want to make a new step in proposing to make an update reading of the texts of the Bible. We have noticed with joy that small groups update and renew with skill the evangelical texts!
    Bring also your way of reading the Gospel, enriched of your experiences and of your faith.

    Jacques Gaillot





Special Edition





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Open Bible 
la bilbe 

Epiphany, a manifestation of God

Not to be confused with a demonstration of people in the streets where they come out to loudly protest when it is the only way left for them to be heard.

l'amour de Dieu à l'humanité  Jesus, the Word of God, has come to us. He went out, in the street, to proclaim the love of God for Humanity.
He does not come only to be heard in temples, churches, synagogues or mosques. He comes for all of us without exception. He reveals himself "extramural".

When we were sharing the Gospel of the Epiphany "intramural" I mentioned the meeting I had with a man doing a hunger strike in a tent nearby. My friends walked close to him without seeing him.

This man, in this time of Epiphany, was making us understand the real meaning of the manifestation of God. He comes among us, " extramural", with simplicity, without imposing Himself to our sight to proclaim that we are all, men and women loved by God in an incredible way.  parmi nous - hors le murs...