The E-catechism: March 2001

  A new step
Open Bible
The call of the first disciples 
  Archives of Partenia
  History of Partenia, Biography of Bishop Jacques Gaillot 





Special Edition





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    A new step

    Three years ago a team started to make a "different catechism ". The goal was to think about questions concerning our life and opening to a spiritual meaning.
    The initial purpose was to bring Jesus in our present situations. Did it not happen to those, men and women, who followed Him?
    We met every month, checking our work with each other's appreciation. Thanks to this exchange and cross-examination we have improved and enriched our text. Gradually we found a right pace and we can say that all of us are marked by this experience.
    Many told us that they benefited greatly of the text and they used it. We did hope to be more interactive but this rarely happened.
    Today we want to make a new step in proposing to make an update reading of the texts of the Bible. We have noticed with joy that small groups update and renew with skill the evangelical texts!
    Bring also your way of reading the Gospel, enriched of your experiences and of your faith.

    Jacques Gaillot





Special Edition





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Open Bible 
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The call of the first disciples (Mt 4, 18-22)
- And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he says unto them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men"-
Studying this text, the children at the catechism understood first that Simon and Andrew were going to have a change of job. Used to job mobility, the children knew quickly the stake of the words: for they were fishers. And he says unto them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" It seems that the disciples are quick to answer because it is a job that is better than the one they had already: higher in salary? More interesting? New insights? Many contacts with people? Easier work? New manager more attractive? It is hard to answer but the rest of the text tells that some thing unusual is coming.

ils le suivirent  And they straightway left their nets, and followed him…and they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him. 

The children did not take for granted this radical statement. They did not believe in such an instantaneous rupture. It is true that the radical statements of certain passages of the Gospel can push you to reject and lose interest for an impossible proposed way. In spite of their limited experience, they could not consider these men like hotheads or irresponsible persons. Before risking a new adventure, they had to settle important matters: care for their family at home (Peter was married and probably had children), professional status (James and John had a family business with employees), the safeguard of their tools: ship, nets… In different parts of the Gospel, Jesus goes on board a ship and after the death of Jesus they resume their previous profession. However, coming back to the text, the children were asking what means "immediately"? Still referring themselves to changing of profession, they know that there is a risk even though all necessary precautions have been taken, not only for oneself but also for the family depending on you. There is the part of the unknown that we accept after much thinking. There is also the attraction for something new, the hope for a better future.
At this point we have to consider the personality of Jesus. Their first meeting with Jesus will be confirmed later to them. Jesus was having an overwhelming power. His manner of looking at people, his confidence in you, the way he gave you strength and confidence in yourselves, all these ways of doing were certainly a decisive factor for the first disciples in making their choice. They were touched at heart; a growing affection and a given confidence in themselves made them able to overcome the last obstacles and to take a leap into the unknown.