Open Bible:
November 2005 

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Spirit of truth, Spirit of sanctity



The Bible





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Spirit of truth, Spirit of sanctity

" I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth"
(John 16, 12-13).

perception latente What an extraordinary prospect that can be related to another word of Jesus to his disciples: " It is to your advantage that I go away" (John, 16, 7…). Jesus being with them, how could they not turn to him, their mind full of his words, of his behaviour, expecting every thing from him? Jesus far from wanting to attract all their attention wanted rather for them to look to the future beyond him. 
He invited his disciples to recognize their own capabilities, to what they are called upon: " You will do greater works than I did" (John 14, 11-12).
The Ascension event means that after some time the apostles acknowledged that Jesus was not any more physically with them. Then they can begin to understand what they have been told: "You will receive a strength coming upon you from the Holy Spirit and you will be my witnesses …to the end of the earth"
(Acts 1,8).

dimension " to the end of the earth"! A task not only for the apostles but for every body who has met and appreciated the Good News. A task but also a need, a desire for any body who has discovered some of the wealth of its message. Truly Jesus' words gives us some opening, his Spirit penetrates us but it is not to fill a duty that we witness for Jesus, it is because we would like to share with others this internal move that animates and stimulates us. 

It is not possible to give a definition of the Spirit. That would mean to restrict him into some limit and to reduce him to our human level this infinite feeling that is inside us. It was already the great intuition of the First Testament: do not make an image of God at your human measure. God is not heard in the thunder, neither in the storm but in "a feeble noise in a thin silence
(1 King, 19, 12…)

A continuous feeling, at some time more explicit, of a presence, who without to be a stranger to what we are, at the same time is an internal sign of transcendence and infinity. Being aware of this presence that raises our life, we should not directly relate to the Spirit our relative and hesitating feelings. It will be using God to our own human purposes and to dress them with absoluteness when we have to stay in humble search of growing.

A subtle presence who opens up our liberty without any constraint. It comes to us, in our most intimate self in a unique specific way for each of us during the course of our life. It is possible to discover it through somebody else at privileged moments when our attention is more focused, more respectful of their own personality and tend to have, very often with out knowing it even without giving it a name.

The Spirit, the Breath of sanctity penetrates through ourselves and gives us a new and intense way of being and acting. This reveals that inside any one of us there is more than ourselves, or more exactly, the human being is a carrier of some thing greater than how it looks . 
