Log-book: February 1999


The Church at the Beguine convent

New look for Partenia



4 candles in Strasbourg

A Press conference


Partenia some figures







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The Partenia group in Strasbourg wanted me to be with them on January 13 to blow 4 candles for the anniversary of my resignation from the see of Evreux . Many people attended. Warm atmosphere. Motivated audience. Among them, some Curds without permit and some unemployed people, but also people away from the Church.

The man in charge of the group, a Jew, spoke a few words. A Moslem and a priest followed to start the evening: not a meeting of veterans but a meeting to fight again exclusion. After 4 years I am astonish that forgetting did not prevail, that they are still struggling against injustice.
Often during the meetings some regrets are expressed: "we are not seeing you on TV, we do not hear you at the radio... People ask me to come back to the media, they do not care about my relationship with the Church.




After a one day meeting organized by the movement for another presence of the Church and another Society, I am happy to go and meet the illegal immigrants occupying the Church at the Beguine convent in Brussels for two months. It is night, it rains. Under the porch I recognize the faces, they are waiting for me. We talk together as we have known each other for a long time. There is a fraternity between us, as if we were of the same party.

The joy to meet is so great that they spontaneously start singing. The air rang with the songs of the African women swinging their bodies. Men too and one of them beats time. I am thinking about the Magnificat sang by Mary when she visited her cousin Elizabeth. In the choir of the church, a group of Christian gather around a big table for the meal of Jesus. They give each other peace. The priest wants me to celebrate. What a moment of happiness and light. But I don't accept, I want to be among the immigrants. I don't give up God. By being among Curds, Moroccans, Congolese, I know that God is among them.





Basques are organizing a Press conference at the Center of Human Rights in Paris. It is a request of many years, never accepted: to put political prisoners in jails closer to their home.
Bayonne is 800 km from Paris. Lawyers, friends, family have to cover that distance to visit them. Family spend a lot of money to maintain a link with the prisoners. More, aged parents have problems to travel. It is not easy for lawyers living in Bayonne to defend their client in jail in Paris. This is contradictory with European and International recommendations.

Spanish news men from the Press and Television are there in great number. I begin to speak to inform against once more the anti-terrorist law with its unacceptable practice. At a time when there could be some glimmer of peace, bringing the political prisoners closer to their home will be a positive sign in favor of peace.




On a winter morning, Partenia 2000 is moving to an old building taken over by squatters of various Associations two years ago. Named "Meeting House", it is located in a popular part of Paris, known for its market. Entering into the court yard, on a large banner one can see written some Victor Hugo words:

    "You want to help the poor
    I want to suppress misery"

The tone is given. On the second floor, a room is reserved for Partenia. It is not too big. Illegal young immigrants were there, they proposed to help. They cheerfully moved up all the material. In a short time it is a tremendous untidiness. I think it is the disorder of a new birth. In this atmosphere of a beginning, friendships form quickly. Joy is on every face. The mess increases with all the Association members coming to see the new dwelling and to wish it well. But I notice some discontent among their welcome. Why did you come so late? You were here at home, Partenia 2000 will find probably here the reason why it has been created.


Jacques Gaillot








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PS: Partenia some figures, 1998


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Number of e-mail messages received by Bishop Jacques Gaillot: 2 500

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Active Forum members form October 1 to December 31, 1998: 393
